Mind Foundry Platform

Bringing humans and AI together in responsible AI solutions designed for high-stakes applications.
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Build. Use. Align. Improve.

The Mind Foundry Platform comprises a large and growing family of enterprise tools and applications that help organisations develop and manage AI responsibly in challenging problem spaces:

  • When off-the-shelf solutions aren’t fit for purpose.

  • When understanding decisions is essential.

  • When continuous improvement keeps you ahead of the competition.

  • When integration into a critical process is the key to driving value.

  • When de-siloing and collaboration is the only way to solve a problem.

Our Work

When risk and complexity are high, organisations rely on Mind Foundry to deliver solutions that truly perform. 

Platform Sector Image

Mind Foundry Platform

The synthesis of cutting-edge AI and human expertise to build real-world solutions for unique problems.


Explainable AI solutions for pricing, claims management, fraud detection, and model governance.


Assurance applications to manage the health of built assets and extend budgets.


AI applications designed for deployment and built in the UK.


Build the solutions you need

A platform for building and benchmarking responsible AI models.

  • Explore your data and gather insights.

  • Build models that get better over time.

  • Gain a competitive edge by developing your own IP.

  • Access technologies and tools to help across the model lifecycle.

A platform for building
Motion UI

Maintain AI, with total control

Any model can perform excellently in the here and now, but it takes scientific rigor to ensure the performance persists in a changing world.

  • Monitor all your models in one place.

  • Govern performance and regulatory compliance.

  • Explain your model and decision provenance.

  • Evolve and improve your AI’s capabilities with Continuous Metalearning technology.

Applied machine learning

Transforming your business with Machine Learning doesn't need to be complicated

The Mind Foundry Platform takes care of all the hard bits. But sometimes customisation is required: a new algorithm, an integration with a particular business process, the prioritisation of resource allocation. For all those cases, our team can help you speed up the implementation and get to results faster.

  • Dedicated team of machine learning scientists to support your needs.

  • Experience building AI solutions that really work.

  • Tried and tested processes to help you choose the right problems to solve.

  • Training, education, and road-mapping to help your digital transformation.

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Mind Foundry Academy Logo

Laying a foundation for the responsible use of AI

Creating responsible AI goes hand in hand with knowing how to use it. But as AI capability increases at machine speed, a gap is widening between current and required human capability. With the Academy’s industry-specific courses, you and your team can close this gap and gain the practical knowledge to become and remain effective collaborators with AI.


Broaden your knowledge

View Resources

5 min read
Addressing the Infrastructure Condition Crisis
The condition of our civil infrastructure is approaching a crisis point. We need AI to help us reverse the damage. Every individual, community, and...
5 min read
The Puzzle of Scaling AI in Insurance
Building a performant model in insurance is one thing. Building, deploying, maintaining, and governing hundreds of models in production is another...
5 min read
Measuring What Really Matters
Why end-user insight and operational context are the keys to understanding AI performance in the defence sector. In Defence and National Security,...

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News, announcements, and blogs about AI in high-stakes applications.