Mind Foundry

5 min read

The Puzzle of Scaling AI in Insurance

Building a performant model in insurance is one thing. Building, deploying, maintaining, and governing hundreds of models in production is another challenge entirely. AI is already integral to insurance and has been the driving force behind much of...


6 min read

The Impact of UK and EU AI Regulations on Insurers

AI adoption has accelerated in insurance in recent years, with 77% of insurers indicating they are at some stage of adopting AI in their value chain. At the same time, AI regulations worldwide are becoming more defined, and these regulations will...

Consumer Duty Implications in Insurance Feature Image

6 min read

The Consumer Duty and Its Implications for Insurers

On July 31st 2024, the Consumer Duty will fully come into effect for both open and closed products. With it comes far-reaching implications for any organisation offering a financial service or product in the UK. This includes the insurance industry,...

How Do Machines Learn? title image

5 min read

How Do Machines Learn? Meta-learning as an Approach

In the previous two blogs in the series, we addressed what makes machine learning models trustworthy and how machine learning models fail. This blog is focused on how machines learn and one particular approach called meta-learning, which enables...


5 min read

Explaining the Origins of AI

AI is everywhere. It has rapidly become an integral part of how we organise our lives, go about our jobs, and get from place to place. And yet, in our discussions with customers, we often encounter a wide range of misconceptions about what AI...

Academia to Industry Blog Title

9 min read

Academia to Industry: Going from Theory to Practice

Taking the leap from the world of academia to pursue a career within industry can be a daunting proposition. After years spent studying and gaining skills in a very focused area, going out into the world and applying that knowledge to a broad range...

How Machine Learning Models Fail Title Image

4 min read

How Machine Learning Models Fail

In our first blog in this four-part series, we discussed how Machine Learning (ML) models might be considered ‘trustworthy’, and we emphasised challenges in bias and fairness, the need for explainability & interpretability, and types of data drift....

What makes a Machine Learning model ‘trustworthy’?

7 min read

What Makes a Machine Learning Model 'Trustworthy’?

Last year, Mind Foundry worked closely with Professor Brent Mittelstadt (of the Oxford Internet Institute) to get a deeper understanding of the law, policy, and standards in development surrounding machine learning. The output of this work was an...

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

5 min read

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, supported by the UN, is a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge the inspirational contributions of women across the globe in science and technology who continue to break down stereotypes and...


6 min read

How Mind Foundry’s Goals Framework Led to Outstanding Achievements

Change is hard. We're creatures of habit by nature, and despite our best efforts, we often struggle to avoid repeating entrenched behaviours that take up much of our time and energy. It’s altogether too easy to find yourself coasting along the same...

Explainable AI

3 min read

Making AI Explainable, Manageable, and Justified in the UK Public Sector

Mind Foundry hosted 'Defining Ambitions: The Future of AI in Public Sector', an invaluable virtual learning exchange for the public sector. Delivered in partnership with GovNewsDirect, the session's objective was to explore the possibilities for AI...


2 min read

Mind Foundry Named in ‘Ethical AI Startup Landscape’ by EAIGG

Mind Foundry are thrilled to have been included in the ‘Ethical AI startup landscape’ research, mapped by researchers at the EAIGG (Ethical AI Governance Group), who have vetted nearly 150 companies working in Ethical AI across the globe. This...


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News, announcements, and blogs about AI in high-stakes applications.