The Mind Foundry Blog

Discover the latest articles on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
The Infrastructure Condition Crisis Feature image

5 min read

Addressing the Infrastructure Condition Crisis

The condition of our civil infrastructure is approaching a crisis point. We need AI to help us reverse the damage. Every individual, community, and society relies on built infrastructure to live, work, and move around. But as time progresses,...


5 min read

The Puzzle of Scaling AI in Insurance

Building a performant model in insurance is one thing. Building, deploying, maintaining, and governing hundreds of models in production is another challenge entirely. AI is already integral to insurance and has been the driving force behind much of...


5 min read

Measuring What Really Matters

Why end-user insight and operational context are the keys to understanding AI performance in the defence sector. In Defence and National Security, the scrutiny placed on AI systems and the bar for responsibility and accountability are heightened,...


6 min read

The Impact of UK and EU AI Regulations on Insurers

AI adoption has accelerated in insurance in recent years, with 77% of insurers indicating they are at some stage of adopting AI in their value chain. At the same time, AI regulations worldwide are becoming more defined, and these regulations will...


7 min read

Balancing Innovation and Risk: How Insurance Leaders Can Manage AI

AI's potential to drastically enhance the insurance industry is extraordinary and undeniable, with McKinsey estimating AI could add up to $1.1 trillion in annual value for the global insurance industry. But just as AI's potential is beyond question,...

Black Box Explainability in Insurance Feature Image

7 min read

How Complex Models Can Be Made Explainable for Insurance

In the insurance industry, understanding and trusting the decision-making process of predictive models is essential. Historically, insurers used simple models that were easily explainable to regulators, but in recent years, as many models have...

Consumer Duty Implications in Insurance Feature Image

6 min read

The Consumer Duty and Its Implications for Insurers

On July 31st 2024, the Consumer Duty will fully come into effect for both open and closed products. With it comes far-reaching implications for any organisation offering a financial service or product in the UK. This includes the insurance industry,...

Accelerating AI's Operational Impact in Defence

6 min read

Accelerating AI’s Operational Impact

In defence and national security, the nature of problems and the environments in which they occur make operationalising AI hugely challenging. This is especially true of the maritime domain, where threats are becoming more prolific and advanced....


4 min read

AI and Sonar: Cutting Through the Noise

In the maritime domain, gaining a better understanding of increasing volumes and higher fidelity sonar data has well-known and potentially game-changing advantages. Nevertheless, in complex problem spaces like those in defence and national security,...

AI Governance in Insurance Fraud

5 min read

Why AI Governance Matters in the Fight against Insurance Fraud

Fraud is one of the most pervasive threats in the insurance industry. Insurance fraud is estimated to cost insurers £1.1 billion in the UK alone. As the cost of living has placed more people under significant financial pressure, authorities warn of...

Practical Steps for Scaling AI Governance in Insurance Pricing

4 min read

7 Steps for Scaling AI Governance in Insurance Pricing

The complexity of modern pricing models, coupled with the regulatory changes that are due to come into effect this year, means that insurers need to start implementing proper AI governance. However, scaling this governance to span a business that...


4 min read

Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford in 2024

One year into its mission to solve global-scale societal issues through the creation of products and services powered by AI technologies, the Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford is breaking barriers in global collaboration, driven by a commitment to the...


6 min read

Why Insurance Pricing Needs AI Governance

Insurance is an incredibly competitive industry. The sheer number of customers, competitors, and small margins make for an adversarial landscape. Pricing is like a microcosm of the insurance industry, with every insurer jostling for the attention of...

AI Regulations around the World

6 min read

AI Regulations around the World

This article will continue to evolve and change as new details and milestones around AI Regulations emerge. A history of these edits can be found at the end of the piece. In the last decade, we have witnessed the most significant progress in the...

Mind Foundry blog index

10 min read

All of Mind Foundry's Blogs

Here are the blogs that Mind Foundry has written recently. We've separated them into their respective topics or sectors to help you find what you're interested in.

Explainability in pricing

4 min read

Why Is Explainability Important in Insurance Pricing?

As an industry driven by data and complex algorithms, the insurance sector stands at a crossroads where transparency and explainability in pricing models are becoming more than just best practices—they're becoming imperatives. As the tools and...

Designing for Deployment Feature Image

5 min read

AI in Defence: Designing for Deployment

With its unparalleled ability to extract insight from burdensome volumes of raw data, AI is more than an opportunity to innovate. Nevertheless, this doesn’t make it the answer to every problem involving data. Even when applied to the right problems,...

How Quantum Computing and LLMs Will Revolutionise Insurance

6 min read

How Quantum Computing and LLMs Will Revolutionise Insurance

In a previous article, we discussed how the recently launched Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford was tackling the problem of ageing populations by using insurance telematics data and AI to detect the risk factors indicating cognitive decline in elderly drivers....

Why AI isn't the Answer to Every Data Problem Title Image

5 min read

Why AI Isn’t the Answer to Every Data Problem

We have previously spoken about how AI is more than just an innovation opportunity, despite contrary prevailing wisdom. It can already solve real and complex problems in various challenging environments, with sonar signal processing in the maritime...


5 min read

How AI Can Help Insurers Tackle Fraud

Fraud is one of the most pervasive threats to the insurance industry, causing damage to both businesses and customers. Every insurer takes steps to try and negate this threat, but how effective are these measures, and could AI hold the key to truly...

How Do Machines Learn? title image

5 min read

How Do Machines Learn? Meta-learning as an Approach

In the previous two blogs in the series, we addressed what makes machine learning models trustworthy and how machine learning models fail. This blog is focused on how machines learn and one particular approach called meta-learning, which enables...


3 min read

5 Ways to Manage AI Responsibly in Insurance

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning has already brought transformative opportunities across the rapidly evolving landscape of the insurance industry. As data generation has surged and competition intensified,...


5 min read

Explaining the Origins of AI

AI is everywhere. It has rapidly become an integral part of how we organise our lives, go about our jobs, and get from place to place. And yet, in our discussions with customers, we often encounter a wide range of misconceptions about what AI...


3 min read

Understanding Risk in Insurance: From Cognitive Decline to Large Loss Accidents

At the beginning of 2023, we announced the launch of the Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford, a joint venture between Mind Foundry and our partners Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance (ANDI) and Aioi Nissay Dowa Europe (AND-E). One of the projects the Lab has worked on is...

Academia to Industry Blog Title

9 min read

Academia to Industry: Going from Theory to Practice

Taking the leap from the world of academia to pursue a career within industry can be a daunting proposition. After years spent studying and gaining skills in a very focused area, going out into the world and applying that knowledge to a broad range...

Insurance Data Blog Title Image

6 min read

Insurance Data: The Challenge of Successful AI Adoption

It’s hardly a secret that data is the lifeblood of the insurance sector. Some experts predict there will be over 30 billion connected devices worldwide by 2025, and the resulting explosion of data, coupled with huge leaps forward in the capabilities...


6 min read

Humans vs AI: The Trust Paradox

Why do we expect more from machines than we do from each other? We lean on machines for so much, yet when it comes to judging their performance, we seem to have a double standard. A human can fail, time and time again, and still be forgiven. But...

How Machine Learning Models Fail Title Image

4 min read

How Machine Learning Models Fail

In our first blog in this four-part series, we discussed how Machine Learning (ML) models might be considered ‘trustworthy’, and we emphasised challenges in bias and fairness, the need for explainability & interpretability, and types of data drift....


6 min read

Insurance and Generative AI: Seeing Past the Headlines

Generative AI (GAI) has been firmly at the centre of discussion ever since it was popularised by the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022. Although the insurance sector, with its focus on cost, has generally reacted with interest and excitement to the...

What makes a Machine Learning model ‘trustworthy’?

7 min read

What Makes a Machine Learning Model 'Trustworthy’?

Last year, Mind Foundry worked closely with Professor Brent Mittelstadt (of the Oxford Internet Institute) to get a deeper understanding of the law, policy, and standards in development surrounding machine learning. The output of this work was an...


6 min read

Generative AI: The Illusion of a Shortcut

Generative AI has exploded into the public eye, with the conversation focusing on the opportunities and risks it presents. However, in the Defence sector, there are specific challenges and problems that this technology is simply not suited to solve.


3 min read

Explaining AI Explainability

There’s been a lot of talk about the development of large language models (LLMs) recently, with the loudest voices split between those who think it poses a significant risk to humanity and those who believe it could be the crowning achievement of...


5 min read

All You Need to Know about the Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford

In February 2023, we announced the launch of the Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford, a joint venture between Mind Foundry and our partners Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance (ANDI) and Aioi Nissay Dowa Europe (AND-E). This is the first of its kind research lab, so...


5 min read

The Power to Do Good with AI

The past few months have shown us how quickly deep tech innovation, and especially advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), can be developed and adopted at great scale. New AI tools have emerged at breakneck speed, opening up a range of...

Defence AI Image

4 min read

AI in Defence: More than Just an Innovation Opportunity

Artificial Intelligence is already being used to solve problems in the Defence sector. But if AI is only seen as an opportunity to practice innovation, then the development of critical applications won’t progress fast enough.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

5 min read

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, supported by the UN, is a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge the inspirational contributions of women across the globe in science and technology who continue to break down stereotypes and...


6 min read

How Mind Foundry’s Goals Framework Led to Outstanding Achievements

Change is hard. We're creatures of habit by nature, and despite our best efforts, we often struggle to avoid repeating entrenched behaviours that take up much of our time and energy. It’s altogether too easy to find yourself coasting along the same...

Explainable AI

3 min read

Making AI Explainable, Manageable, and Justified in the UK Public Sector

Mind Foundry hosted 'Defining Ambitions: The Future of AI in Public Sector', an invaluable virtual learning exchange for the public sector. Delivered in partnership with GovNewsDirect, the session's objective was to explore the possibilities for AI...


3 min read

Collaborating With Partners to Push Quantum Computing Forward

(This piece was originally published as a guest post for The Quantum Insider) The focus on quantum computing has been growing steadily over the last decade, thanks to the promise of how this technology could revolutionise our lives. An example of...

humbug mosquito image

4 min read

HumBug 2022: Detecting Mosquito Signatures with Machine Learning

Helping the fight against malaria Mind Foundry co-hosts HumBug 2022 as part of the ComparE challenge, bringing together the greatest minds to help solve one of the world’s most important problems. The goal of the project is to use low-cost...


2 min read

Mind Foundry Named in ‘Ethical AI Startup Landscape’ by EAIGG

Mind Foundry are thrilled to have been included in the ‘Ethical AI startup landscape’ research, mapped by researchers at the EAIGG (Ethical AI Governance Group), who have vetted nearly 150 companies working in Ethical AI across the globe. This...

EV Charge Point Planning with AI

4 min read

Let’s Use AI Responsibly to Discover Where to Place EV Charge Points

Between 2006 and 2010, there were 1,096 registered electric vehicles (EVs) in the UK. Since 2010 that number has exploded, and today there are an estimated 400,000 EVs on UK roads, not to mention more than 750,000 plug-in hybrids (PHEVs). With new...


3 min read

AI for Rapid Automated Calibration of Quantum Devices

(A version of this piece was originally published in techUK as part of #QuantumWeek2021.) Why are quantum computing devices powerful? Quantum computing (QC) devices offer an entirely new way to perform computations, driven by quantum mechanics. If...


2 min read

Mind Foundry Wins CogX Explainable AI Award for 2022

We’re delighted to announce that we won a prestigious CogX award in the “Best Innovation in Explainable AI” category last night. The CogX awards recognise innovators and change-makers looking to make a real impact on the world around us with...


7 min read

71% Haven’t Read the UK’s Data Strategy. Here’s What They Missed.

In June 2019, the government launched a call for evidence on the proposed framework of a strategy around data usage in the UK, receiving over 100 responses. At the same time, the government undertook a programme of roundtables, workshops, and...

introspective AI

5 min read

Performance That’s Measured against the Things That Count

It’s no longer enough to measure model accuracy. Ethics, explainability, and wider performance are key KPIs that must be considered as equally crucial priorities.


4 min read

World Mosquito Day: Fighting Malaria with Machine Learning

August 20th is World Mosquito Day. A day to raise awareness about the diseases carried by mosquitoes and highlight the scientific innovations that are emerging to help us reduce the suffering caused by the world’s second most deadly animal.


3 min read

Approaching Ethical AI Design: An Insider’s Perspective

I would be surprised to find anyone who works in the tech sector, especially if they’re working with data, who hasn’t seen a significant emphasis on ethical applications of AI, or “doing AI ethically” (even the Pope has got involved!). Conferences,...


6 min read

Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day

In 2023, women comprised only 13.7% of the global engineering workforce. To commemorate International Women in Engineering Day, we are proud to share the stories of our own trailblazers of AI innovation who have been defying stereotypes, knocking...


3 min read

The AI Adoption Paradox: Can Cautious Adoption Reap Maximal Benefits?

In the race to adopt AI, there is a flurry of activity happening in boardrooms and technical teams across the country. AI, which even a few years ago seemed to be the preserve of a vanguard of highly innovative companies, has suddenly become a...


3 min read

AI Model Training: Why Continuous Improvement Matters in High-Stakes Applications

As AI capabilities advance, and with the advent of widely available low-cost cloud computing, AI will inevitably be applied to wider problem sets with more immediate and wide-ranging real-world impacts, bringing with it higher problem complexity and...


5 min read

Green AI: The Environmental Impact and Carbon Cost of Innovation

AI has the potential to help us tackle the problems associated with climate change and the warming of our Earth. The closer we get to the precipice, the greater the urgency. This has helped fuel tremendous growth in AI projects throughout government...


11 min read

AI In Government: Considerations for Ethics and Responsibility

Decisions made by governments and other public sector organisations profoundly affect the lives of large numbers of people every day. If considerations for ethics and responsibility are not made during the processes for designing, building, and...


2 min read

5 Reasons Why AI Can Help You Better Understand Your Data

Many organisations still watch from the sidelines as competitors transform their understanding of data with AI. Why is this?


2 min read

The Value of Machine Learning in Clinical Trials

Clinical research data plays an essential role in the pharmaceutical industry but can also eat up resources in terms of time and money. However, by utilising machine learning in clinical trials, efficiency can be drastically improved, enabling...


2 min read

What is Human-AI Collaboration and Why Should You Embrace It?

The internet can seem full of scary stories and science fiction, but what is Human-AI Collaboration really going to do to transform our lives in the near future?


2 min read

AI in Life Sciences: Faster Drug Development to Personalised Medicine

When we consider the role of artificial intelligence in life sciences, it already has a proven track record as an effective tool to support pharmaceutical research. However, companies are also moving fast to explore the transformational impact it...


3 min read

What is Humanized Machine Learning and Why Should you Care?

While machine learning has been around for decades, it has swiftly become a major buzzword in recent years. Following in the footsteps of 'digital transformation', many businesses are struggling to comprehend the intrinsic value of machine learning...


2 min read

Bayesian Optimisation can help Quantum Computing Become a Reality

Quantum computers have the potential to be exponentially faster than traditional computers, revolutionising the way we currently work. While we are still years away from general-purpose Quantum Computing, Bayesian Optimisation can help to stabilise...


2 min read

How Active Learning Can Train Machine Learning Models with Less Data

Even with low cost widely available cloud computing, it can take significant time and compute power to train machine learning models on large data sets. This is expensive and is often at odds with the net-zero carbon goals of many organisations...


3 min read

Visualising Black Box Optimisation Problems in Machine Learning

Black box optimisation in Machine Learning is a pretty common scenario. More often than not, the process or model we are trying to optimise does not have an algebraic model that can be solved analytically.


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News, announcements, and blogs about AI in high-stakes applications.